Register here for the
April 7 meeting.
Deadline: 8:00 p.m. April 2

Register here for
10 Utoy Creek

The Atlanta Civil
War Round Table
is a 501 (c) (3)
non-profit corporation.
Contributions to
the organization are
tax deductible.

Go here to donate.

2024-25 Dues: $75

You do not need
an account with
Paypal to pay








Dave Powell to Speak at April Meeting of Round Table


                                                 Dave Powell addressing the Round Table in 2018


Our April 7 speaker will be David Powell, author of several books on the Battle of Chickamauga and other subjects. David's topic will be "The Atlanta Campaign: Missed Opportunities."  Don't miss this opportunity! You can register for the April meeting by using the pay button to the left or you may mail a check ($45) to:

Atlanta Civil War Round Table
c/o Elizabeth Talmadge, Secretary-Treasurer
2069 Cottage Lane NW
Atlanta Georgia 30318


Don't forget to pay your dues!  See the pay button on this page and renew your membership.                      


Programs for Campaign Year

Please go HERE for a Power Point presentation with information on each speaker.   



The Atlanta Civil War Round table was organized in 1949 with the intent purpose to further the serious discussion and study of the American Civil War.  Meetings are held monthly September through June.

5:30 PM Cocktail Hour
6:30 PM Dinner

$45.00 per dinner reservation
(Payment by check or online.)

c/o Elizabeth Talmadge, Secretary-Treasurer
2069 Cottage Lane NW
Atlanta Georgia 30318

Location - Directions to our meetings (Members only and invited guests)

Atlanta History Center
130 West Paces Ferry Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30305

The emphasis for each meeting is on our guest speaker.  The meetings of the Atlanta Civil War Round table regularly feature the top experts in various fields related to the Civil War.

Let us hear from you if you would like to join us one evening or if you have an interest in applying for a membership. Reservation for dinner must be made by mail, no later than noon on the Thursday preceding the Monday meeting, or by paying on line via the link on this page.

 Atlanta Civil War Round Table
c/o Elizabeth Talmadge, Secretary-Treasurer
2069 Cottage Lane NW
Atlanta Georgia 30318










